Project Deployment v1.2.1

Follow these steps to do deployment from the Development Stage to the Production Stage (Please Pay Attention to this section)

#Phase : Staging

1. Setup staging on MI server or Client’s Server. 2. Clean Wordpress installation (no plugins from server provider) 3. Set WP Memory Limit to 512M within wp-config. if the website is going to build using Elementor. 4. Adjust the PHP module(s) on the server as same as on Local (Laragon) 5. Disable any kind of Cache for staging site. 6. Activate debug options on frontend and generate the file on root path. 7. change the WP prefix database to the shorten of the project name. for example : Project name Test Project 1, the prefix is TPro1_. don’t forget to change other config that related to WP prefix. 8. Setup reCaptcha for Staging on Login, Register Form, Contact Form, Pop up Form, and any other forms. should use different key than the Local and Live site. 9. Close the comment section if not needed. 10. Close Wordpress REST API and XMLRPC. (open it only for Elementor and CF7 so far) 11. Always backup staging to MI server if the current staging is in Client server. 12. For starter always use MI Development Gmail as any kind of contact form, Admin Email, Woocommerce Email and User Admin Email. 13. Setup Staging Domain with SSL (if going to place the staging on Client server)

#Phase : Pre-Deployment

1. Backup database from staging. 2. Backup Website files from staging. 3. Prepare GIT environment (if possible). 4. Prepare FTP/SFTP for upload website files (Alternative solution) 5. Deploy files in ZIP. then extract on server. 6. Prepare mySQL Client for upload Database 7. Check for upload size file on server meet the size of database.

#Phase : Deployment Live site

1. Setup Live site 2. Adjust the server environment to as same as Staging Server. avoid missing any type of missing functionality and or display of the website. 3. Check PHP Modules that might be missing compare to staging server. 4. Activate debug by generate the file on root path only. not display on the frontend. 5. MUST - USE Plugins should be installed to the live site. (Simple History, & GDPR). 6. Check for reCaptcha key should be added to the live site. (differentiate the keys from local, staging, and live) 7. Check for dummy contents. 8. Check for dummy accounts. 9. Check for Admin Email, User Admin Email, Woocommerce Email, and any other Forms that need Email. 10. Setup Live Site Domain with SSL (both www domain and non-www domain).

#Phase : Release 1.0

1. Performance Test 2. Compare Local, Staging, and current Live Site functionality and frontend. 3. User Acceptance Test 4. Monitoring

Last updated