Setup Project

Wordpress Instalation

Creating a New Project

  1. Right click on laragon app -> quick app -> WordPress

2. Enter the project name, and don't forget to add the dev- prefix for the project name

3. Wait a few seconds until the process is complete, After that Open the project in the browser

4. You can follow the steps for installing WordPress as usual, but keep in mind that you choose the language based on the country of origin of the project (usually this office gets a project from the Netherlands, so choose Dutch/ Netherland)

5. Enter the form correctly such as project name, username, password, and email. you can ignore/uncheck the search engine

6. After that you can login using the username and password that you have created

The second step after creating a new project

  1. Update wordpress to the latest version if wordpress is not using the new version

  2. Remove all plugins that are installed by default

3. Change language via user. Go to menu user -> profile , change the language to english

4. go to the menu settings -> permalinks then change the permalink to Post name then save

5. Setting comment behaviour

Last updated