This is a short tutorial on setting up an elementor's project
Last updated
This is a short tutorial on setting up an elementor's project
Last updated
1. Make sure that you have created / setup a wordpress project ( if you haven't created it, you can see the project setup documentation )
2. Go to the menu Appearance -> Themes
then click button add new
3. Next, you can click button upload theme
then choose the theme or drag the theme. (you can ask our team for access to get our theme) , then active the theme.
4. Next, go to the menu Plugins
then click button add new.
5. You can go to bar search then find 'Elementor' then click button Install after finish install you can click button active.
6. You can install other plugins by following the method above.
Here's a list of plugins that we usually install at the start of the project:
Elementor Pro
Classic Editor (Optional)
ACF (Depending on the project we are working on need or not )
Woocommerce (Depending on the project we need or not, we usually use when working on a website shop)
Noted : you can ask our team for pro plugins (example: acf, elementor pro , etc)
7. if you have finished installing the plugin. then you can start setup global setting projects.
1. Make sure that you have created at least one page, and clik edit with elementor.
2. Click the humberger Menu Icon on the top - left corner.
3. Next, click "Site settings" on the left menu.
4. Then you can see the Elementor Global Setting Menu.
5. Now you can adjust the website style according to the figma design. (Global Colors, Global Fonts, Typography, Button, etc).
6. Now you can adjust the specific design according to the figma design style.