#Staging Environment v22.0

This checklist must be done by Project Leader, Project Manager, or Dev Ops

[x] Cloudways

[ ] General
    [ ] Disable Varnish
    [ ] Enable Https redirection
    [ ] Choose Clean Wordpress Version
    [ ] Timezone Europe/Amsterdam
    [ ] PHP Memory Limit to 512MB
[ ] Access Detail
    [ ] Set FTP Credential
[ ] Git Integration
    [ ] SSH Key
    [ ] Authenticate Remote Address
    [ ] Correct Directory

[x] Non-Cloudways

[ ] Disable server cache
[ ] Timezone Europe/Amsterdam
[ ] PHP Memory limit to 512MB
[ ] FTP Credential

[x] Starter Theme Checking

[ ] Disable xmlrpc
[ ] Disable wp-json (user and oembed)
[ ] Disable rss feed
[ ] Disable /author

Last updated