#Local Environment v22.0

This checklist must be done by Project Leader

[x] Wordpress Core and Setting

[ ] Latest Version
[ ] Default Post
    [ ] Remove Hello World Post
[ ] Default Page
    [ ] Remove Sample Page
[ ] Setting
    [ ] General
        [ ] Email Administrator
        [ ] Timezone
        [ ] Language
        [ ] Data and Time Format
    [ ] Reading
        [ ] Static Page
    [ ] Discussion
        [ ] Comment author must fill out name and email
        [ ] User must be registered and logged in to comment
        [ ] Comment must be manually approved
    [ ] Permalink
    [ ] Privacy
        [ ] Set page
[ ] User Administrator
    [ ] Administrator General
        [ ] The Password should be random 
            (the password can be generated by visiting this link: 
    [ ] Administrator FE (if necessary)
        [ ] The Password should be random 
            (the password can be generated by visiting this link: 
    [ ] Administrator BE (if necessary)
        [ ] The Password should be random 
            (the password can be generated by visiting this link: 
    [ ] Administrator Client (if necessary)
        [ ] The Password should be random 
            (the password can be generated by visiting this link: https://hide.me/id/password-generator)
[ ] Turn on debug mode
[ ] Activate Starter Theme

[x] Starter Theme

[ ] Config theme name
[ ] Dependencies
    [ ] npm install
[ ] Config gulp setting
[ ] Mandatory Config
    [ ] Disable xmlrpc
    [ ] Disable wp-json (user and oembed)
    [ ] Disable rss feed
    [ ] Disable /author

[x] Plugin

[ ] Simple-history
[ ] Elementor / PRO
[ ] ACF / PRO
[ ] Classic Editor (Discussable)

[x] Central Database

[ ] Import database to server
[ ] Config WP-Config.php

Last updated